Allegany Saddles


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About Allegany Saddles

AMTS was founded in 2004 by John Rettig, of Western NY. While out on trail riding trips, it was easy to observe many horses with white spots on their backs. After beginning to pay closer attention, he witnessed horses becoming more sullen, reluctant and / or exhibiting behavior issues as the rides wore on and they became more sore. Looking into saddling options and explosion in saddle fit awareness, it became obvious that there was a need for better saddle fit options that the typical "off the rack" tack. AMTS Provides That custom fit, at an affordable price. After working with the company for a number of years, Staci Saulter acquired the company in 2010, and has furthered the company's goals of excellence in product, customer service and customer satisfaction! At Allegany Mountain Trail Saddles, there are no gimmicks, no false promises of making your horse gait better, or to correct those behavior problems. We won’t promise that we can fit every horse there is, but by trying one of our trees and/or the “Fit To Be Seen Forms” by “Steele” we will promise you this: Your saddle will fit your horse, which will make him or her more comfortable. Also we customize each saddle to your needs, which will make you more comfortable. As everyone knows our saddle starts on a “ Steele" brand saddle tree. Ed Steele is a highly regarded fifth generation saddle tree maker, based in Ashland Tennessee. We use only top quality drum-dyed, 12 oz Wicket and Craig skirting leather and hand selected 10-12 oz. Bridle leather. Wicket and Craig has been tanning leather in North America for 140 yrs. In 1990 they moved their operation South from Canada to Pennsylvania. Their new facility is state of the art and very environmentally conscious.. Our saddles are not stapled together as large production line saddles are. They are hand assembled, put together with stainless steel screws.. Our hardware is also of the highest quality stainless steel and brass. I truly believe you will not find a custom saddle of this quality within hundreds of dollars of this price range! I can't thank you enough for taking the time to browse the website, and welcome to the AMTS family!

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